Expresión de búsqueda: ALSTROM SYNDROME 
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Descriptor Inglés:   Alstrom Syndrome 
Descriptor Español:   Síndrome de Alstrom 
Descriptor Portugués:   Síndrome de Alstrom 
Sinónimos Inglés:   Alstrom-Hallgren Syndrome
Alström Syndrome
Alstrom Hallgren Syndrome
Alstroms Syndrome
Syndrome, Alstrom
Syndrome, Alstrom's
Syndrome, Alstrom-Hallgren
Syndrome, Alström
Alstrom's Syndrome  
Categoría:   C10.500.300.099
Definición Inglés:   Rare autosomal recessive disease characterized by multiple organ dysfunction. The key clinical features include retinal degeneration (NYSTAGMUS, PATHOLOGIC; RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA; and eventual blindness), childhood obesity, sensorineural hearing loss, and normal mental development. Endocrinologic complications include TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS; HYPERINSULINEMIA; ACANTHOSIS NIGRICANS; HYPOTHYROIDISM; and progressive renal and hepatic failures. The disease is caused by mutations in the ALMS1 gene. 
Nota Histórica Inglés:   2010 
Calificadores Permitidos Inglés:  
BL blood CF cerebrospinal fluid
CI chemically induced CL classification
CO complications DI diagnosis
DG diagnostic imaging DH diet therapy
DT drug therapy EC economics
EM embryology EN enzymology
EP epidemiology EH ethnology
ET etiology GE genetics
HI history IM immunology
ME metabolism MI microbiology
MO mortality NU nursing
PS parasitology PA pathology
PP physiopathology PC prevention & control
PX psychology RT radiotherapy
RH rehabilitation SU surgery
TH therapy UR urine
VE veterinary VI virology
Número del Registro:   53515 
Identificador Único:   D056769 

Ocurrencia en la BVS:
